Our annual Soup Sale will be on Saturday, January 27th. Preorders are needed and should be requested by Tuesday, January 23rd. Soup choices are Wedding, Potato, Chicken Noodle, Potato, and White Chicken Chili. Loaves of bread can be ordered as well. The cost is $10.00 per Quart and $3.00 per Loaf of Bread. To order, please call the church office (724-538-5810). Proceeds support the Evans City Food Cupboard and building…Keep Reading

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday, February 26th, 7 pm Service of Extended Confession and Imposition of Ashes Ash Wednesday is the start of the season of Lent, and begins that journey with humble repentance and somberly admitting to our need for God’s grace.

Presentation of Our Lord & Candlemas

Presentation of Our Lord and Candlemas is a Christian holiday celebrated annually on February 2. It celebrates three occasions: the Virgin Mary’s purification according to the Law; the ransom offering of Jesus as their firstborn (Jesus’ presentation and first entry into the Temple); and most importantly, the meetings and revelations of Simeon and Anna with the Holy Family. At Jesus’ presentation at the Temple, Simeon meets the infant Jesus and…Keep Reading

Congregational Meeting

Our annual congregational meeting and bulletin of reports luncheon will be held on Sunday, February 9th. Please plan to stay to review all of the wonderful ways that we served through our outreach ministries and ministry here at St. Peter’s.

Game Night

Game night is held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 6:30 pm. Bring family and friends, your favorite game and a snack or treat to share. A time for teaching, a time for learning and time to be together as a church family with friends!

Scout Sunday

St. Peter’s will recognize our local boy and girl scouts on Sunday, February 26th with a special service. We will celebrate our new partnership as a charter organization for Troop & Pack #399.

Christmas Cantata

St. Peter’s will host our annual Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 15th during the 10:15 am worship service. The cantata is titled “Messiah Heaven’s Glory” and will help us to prepare for the Christmas season.

Christmas Caroling

St. Peter’s friends and family are invited to participate in our annual caroling event! We will begin at St. Peter’s at 6 pm on December 23rd and visit residents at President’s Square as well as members, friends and families in our community. Do you know of someone who would enjoy carolers at their door? Call the church office 724-538-5810 and we will add them to our list!

Cookie Walk

We are once again doing the cookie walk to help support our campers. This year we are doing it on Sunday (12/15) during after church fellowship time. We will be offering cookies in tins to support the campers as well as selling Christmas craft items. It will be a free will donation.   If you haven’t already made your Christmas cookies then consider giving a donation to support the kids and…Keep Reading

Hanging of the Greens & Advent Luncheon

Join us on Sunday, December 1st at 10:15 am as we begin the season of advent with a special worship service to decorate our sanctuary. After worship we will enjoy a luncheon which will include a craft and setting up the outdoor nativity.

Christmas Eve

We welcome you to join us at 7:00 pm for our annual family service and/or at 10:00 pm for a traditional service. Communnion will be offered at both services.

Halloween Trivia

Trivia Night – St. Peter’s is hosting a Halloween trivia night on Saturday, October 11th at 6:00 pm. Teams of 4 will compete for fun and prizes for a donation of $20 per team. Drinks and snacks are included and a movie showing will be offered for children. Donations will benefit our ministries for our church’s youth.