Good Friday Services
April 10: Good Friday
12:30 pm – Community Cross Walk and Service
Instead of gathering all at once this year, the Evans City Ministerium has written prayers for your devotional use so you can walk the town and pray at your convenience while maintaining mandated social distance. At 12:30, there will be a jointly streamed service through Zoom.
Link for service & self guided cross walk:
7 pm – Live Stream Service
Traditional service live streamed from St. Peter’s.
8 pm – Begin Keeping the Word Alive Vigil
Our traditional vigil of Scripture reading will continue this year but adjusted for current restrictions. You will have the opportunity to sign up for slots to read from the Gospel of Matthew at home beginning at 8 pm Friday and running continuously until 10 am Easter morning. You can either read completely independently during your time slot(s) or join the Zoom broadcast so that you will be able to know where the last reader left off and tell the next reader where to begin. Check the newsletter for details or call Pastor if you have questions.